Amanda Sophia - Priestess and Feng Shui Master Amanda Sophia
Celtic Priestess & Feng Shui Master

Choose your  Single Spiral

Spiral 1

Autumn Equinox

Autumn Equinox Amanda Sophia

Spiral 2


Autumn Equinox Amanda Sophia

Spiral 2

Winter Solstice

Autumn Equinox Amanda Sophia

Spiral 4


Autumn Equinox Amanda Sophia

Spiral 5

Spring Equinox

Autumn Equinox Amanda Sophia

Spiral 6


Autumn Equinox Amanda Sophia

Spiral 7

Summer Solstice

Autumn Equinox Amanda Sophia

Spiral 8


Autumn Equinox Amanda Sophia

Not sure in which point of the Celtic Wheel you’re in?


Autumn Equinox: September 19th – 22nd

Samhain: October 28th – November 2nd

Winter Solstice:  December 19th – 22nd

Imbolc: January 30th- February 2nd

Spring Equinox: March 19th – 22nd

Bealtaine: April 30th – May 2nd

Summer Solstice: June 19th – 22nd

Lughnasadh July 30th – August 2nd


Autumn Equinox March 19th – 22nd

Samhain April 28th – May 2nd

Winter Solstice  June 19th – 22nd

Imbolc  July 30th – August 2nd

Spring Equinox September 19th – 22nd

Bealtaine October 28th – November 2nd

Summer Solstice December 19th – 22nd

Lughnasadh January 30th – February 2nd

Quality Training Guarantee

Soul Satisfaction Guaranteed

Invest in yourself with confidence

With the resources, support, and materials in this course I’m certain that it will transform your home and life. But! If you’re not sure, I’d like to give you the peace of mind to invest risk-free. 

If for any reason, after 14 days of purchasing the course, you feel it’s not for you or perhaps it doesn’t resonate, just let me know and we’ll give you a 100% refund on your purchase.

I know this works, I know the wisdom is carried by the ancients, and the materials are carefully curated, the result of abundance and transformation speak for themselves. That being said, I always want you to feel safe in your investments both for yourself and your business. If you decide to invest in yourself, your future, and your goals with this course then you will have nothing to lose and everything to gain!